Delivery policy - order will be pick and hand over to courier partner with in 2 working days (48 hars) and goods will be delivery to you with 2-3 working days. altogether package will be reach to you with in 5 days of purchase. we will be sending only the pick the selected items and if an items in case of out of stock we will be sending the remining goods and we will return back (if a online order) or else amend and send the order for the remaining cost.
Return policy - return are excepted with 7 days of received. customer need to inform - 0773955006 or T-fashion Fb page messenger link - . and send the request for the return and one of our team member will contact you for further information of such as reason for return and the pic of any damage items. after that conversation customer need to send back the goods to bellow address - T- fashion . 190/ A , Bogahawatta, kanduboda, Delgoda. contact number 0773955006. return cost will decide based on the liability ( if its a T fashion lability we will be refund the return cost and if the customer can make a new order for the amount (item value). for more information pls call 0773955006.